2018 Dog year forecast for PIG (2018 豬年運程)
Year of Pig: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007
“General Forecast in 2018”
It will be a quite smooth year for PIG. No matter in career wise, or relationship wise, you can get what you always wanted. Although you cannot have the best health or financial, at least there are no need to be worried. Overall, this is a good and stable year for PIG.
“Financial Forecast”
Due to the succeed on your career, there are not much to worry about on financial. However, you may need to make a better plan on the stock market. Better not to invest in something risky. This is the year to be more steady, rather than aggressive. It will be quite easy to have some financial issue with friends. Therefore, it is better not to lend money or be a guarantor for your friends in 2018.
“Career Forecast”
You will get a succeed for your career this year, especially with some changings on your position. If there are other job opportunities, you can take it this year. You probably achieve better goals in the new company or position. Don’t forget to pay effort to your new job, in order to impress your new boss and colleagues. Work hard and being friendly is the key.
“Relationship Forecast”
For singles, it is a little bit hard for you to meet new people this year. Get involve in more social events, or go out with friends may increase the chance to meet someone. If you meet someone you are interested already, please be patient, you need a more solid base for the relationship. For married couples, it is quite easy to have conflicts with each other in 2018. If you want to have a long and happy relationship with your partner, you need to be more understanding and forgiving.
“Health Forecast”
In 2018, no serious physical health problems for PIG. However, psychologically, you may feel lonely and more stressful this year. Don’t land too much pressure on yourselves. It is always a good idea to travel around, spend some fun and quality time with your friends and families are recommended.
*Information above is concluded from different online sources, and is for reference only, no matter how it says, we wish you to have very good year of DOG :)
【財運方面運勢 】
【愛情方面運勢 】
*以上運程是綜合網上資訊所得,並只供參考之用。我們祝你有一個豐盛和順利的狗年 :)